Kriimsilma laager 2022
Kriimsilma laager 2022 toimus sel aastal Karksi-Nuias, ürituse peakorraldajaks Metsavahe skautide juht Artur Viks. Meepealinna seiklused on kirja pannud Ökoskautide hundusalga juht Tuuli ning tema brasiillannast abijuht Bruna.

Kriimsilma laager oli väga armas! See oli minu, mu hundude ja Bruna esimene Kriimsilm. Emotsioone oli palju ja laager meeldis kõigile! Reedel oli olemine veel natuke kaootiline ja võõras, aga pühapäevaks olid kõik laagri rütmi langenud.
Me mängisime mänge, osalesime Mulgi kultuuri (lina kasvatamine, tantsud) töötoas ja käisime matkal. Matk oli väga lahe- kõik osalejad olid jagatud segagruppidesse ja ülesandeid oli seinast seina. Saime nii telke püstitada, lõkkeid süüdata, oma ronimisoskuseid testida ja mulgiteemalisi ülesandeid nuputada. Peale matka ootas meid koolis ujumine ja maitsev õhtusöök. Menüü ületas kõigi ootusi ja Mulgi toit viis keele alla!

Õhtul oli osalejatel aega omavahel mängida ja loovad hundud lõbustasid üksteist ise. Kuigi alguses tundus, et programmi jäetud vabad õhtud põhjustavad liialt igavust, siis lõpuks oli kõigil lõbus- istuti mänguringis, õpiti sõlmi, jutustati niisama, mängiti palli ja aeti üksteist mööda kooli taga.
Minu arvates oli tegu väga hea sümbioosiga: programmi oli täpselt nii palju, et kaost ei tekiks, aga vaba aega ise oma aja sisustamiseks jagus piisavalt. Laager oli väga edukas- kõik osalejad said uusi sõpru ja nägid juba vanu tuttavaid ning tutvusid Mulgimaaga!
-Tuuli, Ökoskaut, hundusalga juht
On Friday night, 14 of october, I arrived at the Kriimsilma Laager to participate in my very first scout camp in Estonia. Everything looked very different from the camps I used to go to in Brazil, but at the same time, so similar. Few minutes after arriving at the school, and figuring out the language barrier, I found my cubs and co-leader, who were amazing at showing me around and explaining how the sleeping accommodations would work. The cubs were so nice and they looked a bit excited that I was not even close to knowing the Estonian language.
Saturday morning started with a nice exercise outside of the school which gave us the opportunity to breathe the cold and nice air before going to have breakfast. After eating, we gathered outside to start the hike! The cubs were so excited about it and it was amazing to see how they shared the responsibility to guide our group following the map, how they worked as a team to face the difficulties, and how creative they got when facing the challenges that were proposed. Along the way, “my” cubs were teaching me Estonian and a lot of words that I might need. It was really beautiful to see how they put the effort to teach me how to pronounce the words and also, being really patient when I mispronounced almost every word they were teaching me.

Sunday started with an amazing pancake and nice conversation for breakfast. Afterwards we went to a presentation about Estonian Culture that seemed interesting. I confess that I couldn’t follow the presentation since I don’t speak Estonian yet, but I was amazed by the singing and the nice environment that was created by it. The presentation was followed by the closing ceremony, where I was able to wear my Brazilian Scout Uniform and cherish other groups about their achievement in the camp.

I moved from Brazil to Estonia a couple months ago and I am still looking to find my place in a country that is different from what I know, and that I’m looking forward to not only call, but feel that it is my home. This camp gave me the feeling that even far away, the Scout Movement still makes me feel home, brings people together and that makes my heart glow towards something I love. I’m glad to call myself part of the Scout Movement in Estonia and I’m looking forward to the next camps and gatherings!
-Bruna, Ökoskaut, hundusalga abijuht