Welcome to Scouting
“Welcome to Scouting” is an Estonian Scouts Association’s (ESÜ) forest camp training, where the participant will learn about scouting and about the possibilities for a volunteer in ESÜ.
We look for both adults who have had experiences in scouting and those who haven’t. A parent, scout or just someone who’s interested – everyone is welcome!

The training will teach how to make a bonfire, the main truths about camping, how to make food on a bonfire, how to tie different knots, traditions connected to flag hoisting and many other things a scout does in an average forest camp. It will broaden your point of view, give new challenges and bring a smile to your face!
After the training you will have a chance to volunteer and become a leader of a scout group, be in an events production crew or help in your child’s scout group.

Experiences of people who have been to the forest camp “Welcome to Scouting”:
“I was pleased with everything. From how it was organized and the program of the lecture days, to the food and weather. Thank you very much! PS: The fact that there was no internet was actually very good.”
“Very well organized. Filled program, useful, positive and seemed that every participant liked it a lot. Big thanks!”
“A very good and intense lecture. I came here with very little knowledge about scouting and left motivated to become a scout leader. I liked that the lecture included many practical and playful activities as well as the theoretical part. The lecture took place outside in the fresh air and it was wonderful. Keep continuing.”
“I got the courage to be more open and the confirmation that values of a scouting program are the same as our family’s values.”
“Everything I learned and experienced was very cool. The only thing I would’ve wanted was more time to experience it.”

You can look at the gallery of the lectures HERE.
It’s also possible to listen (in Estonian) to their experiences: