
Members coordinator: Annika Viigand


  • Membership forms and membership payments
  • Supporting the units
  • Handling the materials for youth programs
  • Social media administration

Administrative Coordinator: Sirje Pool


  • The administration and booking of the Tagametsa Camping Center
  • The scout shop and the ordering of scout uniforms
  • Warehouse management and borrowing equipment from ESÜ warehouse
  • ESÜ information mail and phone
  • Newsletter, cooperating with the Commissioner of Communications

Unit Support Person: Monika Ojala


  • Supporting the regional corps of ESÜ
  • Recruiting volunteers
  • Supporting the board with training, program and staff
  • Administrative coordinator to “Tere Tulemast Skautlusesse, large camp “Silmapiir”, “Väikesaar”, “Skautlemise Meistriklass”, “Isadepäeva matk”, training programm “Inspiratsioon”

Before coming to the office please call 53445171 to announce your arrival so we’d know to be present.