Main contacts

Estonian Scout Association (ESÜ)

Legal and postal address: Juurdeveo 22A-2, Tallinn 11313, Estonia

Registry code: 80048529 

Billing account in LHV bank: EE687700771000674448

The office of ESÜ is located in Tallinn (Juurdeveo 22A-2). At the office you can get info about the events and happenings of the ESÜ as well as purchase scout merchandise and insignias and borrow scout literature and equipment.

The office doesn’t have regular operating hours. If you wish to visit please call or write to us beforehand so we can arrange a meeting.

Office phone number: +372 5344 5171


Participation in the activities and events of the Estonian Scout AssociationThe Estonian Scout Association (ESÜ) acts on the principle of volutary service. Which means that the leaders who regularly carry out activities and go along to events with the youth are volunteers. Only members of ESÜ (except for special events) can take part of the activities and events of the Estonian Scout Association. To join ESÜ a parent has to fill out the members form and pay the members yearly fee. If the member who wants to join is a child then you’ll have to find a suitable group and contact them to find out if they have the possibility to take on new members. When you get their consent you’ll have to fill out the members form and pay for the yearly members fee.

Special events that everyone can take part of:

  • Lecture “Welcome to Scouting”;
  • ERNA hike;
  • Father’s Day hike.

ESÜ information list

The information list is open to the public and everyone who’s interested in joining doesn’t have to be a member of ESÜ. The parents who have expressed that they want to join the list while filling out their child’s registration page will also be added. Once a month, we send e-news and other important information about the organization or its activities to the list.

Tallinn Scout House / ESÜ Office
Photo: Monika Ojala